
the art of the close | Atlanta Business Consulting

The Art of the Close

I attended a meeting with some potential clients.  After we had danced through a series of topics about their company, their challenges and my company, I asked, “What have we not covered that might be important to you in making your decision?” The prospect said, “Great closing question, Jane”.  I smiled to myself.  My intent

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the eyes have it | Atlanta Business Consulting

The Eyes Have It

I have been slighted twice lately.  The first was recently on a plane. I was engrossed in a conversation with my seatmate.  Another passenger interrupted us to make an introduction to my traveling companion.  My companion said, “I’d like to introduce you to Jane”.  The passenger, said “Hello” and never once looked at me. Now,

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Im Sorry | Atlanta Business Consulting

I’m Sorry, But…

Kevin, had a horrible week. He found out that his company was over 90 days on paying some third-party providers for a project with his largest client. The third-party companies were selected by, and considered partners of his client.  Kevin battled internally for a week to resolve the issue quickly and kept hitting roadblocks. The

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the money trap | Atlanta Business Consulting

The Money Trap

I met recently with a sales leader who asked me to help his sellers do a better job of talking with their clients about money. Money is a topic that has emotion tied to it, certainly more so than other subjects like scope, outcomes and timing. So, it is a topic widely avoided by salespeople.

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the new sales funnel | Atlanta Business Consulting

The New Sales Funnel

A recent Corporate Executive Board study of more than 1,400 B2B customers found that those customers completed, on average, nearly 60% of a typical purchasing decision—researching solutions, ranking options, setting requirements, benchmarking pricing, and so on—before even having a conversation with a supplier. What does that mean for the sellers who are following the old tried and true approach to the sales funnel? It means the approach is no longer true. Clients are so far along the buying process by the time we get invited to the table that sellers are being forced into more RFP pricing wars. There are four ways that sellers can change the way they approach the sales funnel…

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