Solving Growth Challenges for a well established brand doing $40M revenue

Client Overview

Industry: Sports Industry

Client PLAE  designs and builds conditioning rooms for professional sports teams, universities, gyms and other institutions by integrating premium flooring with innovative rack systems. Their process enables these organizations to attract high-performing athletes and condition them to peak performance.

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise.

Challenges Faced:

"As JG & Company did an initial assessment of how the organization was going to market, several opportunities for improvement came to light. Not only was there no codified and consistent process, but the way that the organization actually had a clear differentiator with their design process that wasn’t being leveraged and their sales organization was bringing design into the sale much too early in the process which was taxing the resources in design, reducing margin and allowing prospective buyers to price their proprietary designs to competitors."

Approach and Strategies:

JG & Company made several recommendations to the client. First, identify the correct workflow which would be sales process, delivery process and customer service process. Secondly, adjust the way that sales was selling to sell the differentiators of the organization such as their design process to avoid a commodity sale of flooring and equipment, and re-train the sales organization in their sales methodology.

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Implementation Steps:

JG & Company began by interviewing every department that had a role in delivering a sales solution to the company including the leaders of each regional organization, each vertical market, estimating, design and finance. With a team of leaders a codified sales process was defined with appropriate sales assets and a comprehensive playbook. This process was then vetted with the departments listed above as well as a group of sellers. 

Additional processes were developed to ease the burden on design and estimating while still providing what prospects needed to make an effective decision. The process was then rolled out first with the managers so that they were equipped to train, motivate and hold the teams accountable to the new process. They were also trained to launch the new process to their teams. 

The CRM system was modified to align with the new process so that the right metrics and ROI could be measured, and managers would see quickly where coaching or help would be required. This also created more accurate data for forecasting. Sales compensation was simplified and more aligned with the desired behavior in going to market.

Outcomes and Achievements:

“The process was overwhelmingly successful and adopted quickly by the sales organization and the estimating and finance team. Design saw an immediate easing of unnecessary design which allowed for a more streamlined team and a better margin on projects. Closed sales increased by a significant amount and the leadership team saw a path forward to the desired growth plan. Upon ensuring that this process was in fact successful, plans were made to begin the same assessment of the delivery process.”

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